After realizing the power of music, I decided to work on my second album shortly after releasing my first album in December 2022. For my second album, I aimed to communicate my life story through eight songs, each reflecting a distinct stage of my life with unique sounds. I carefully formed ideas for each song, defining its name, target sound, and associated emotion. I selected an inspirational song to guide each composition. Furthermore, I have recorded the composition process of each song. These video logs, documenting my journey as I composed the music, have also been published.

I completed my first song, “Invisible Teen”, in January 2023 and was on fire, finishing “Daring Dissident” and “Tenacious Alien” in February 2023. “Roaming Heart'“ followed in April 2023, and “Absent Guardian” in May 2023. After a summer break, I resumed work in August, finishing “Devoted Protégé” in October 2023 and “Fading Breath” in November 2023. The final song, “Awakened Soul”, was completed in December 2023.

Initially planning to play the string instruments myself, I realized I lacked the necessary equipment and skills. On my first album, I played the instruments myself, sacrificing sound quality. This time, I focused on the songs, using output from Guitar Pro and hiring a sound engineer for mixing and mastering.

I named this album “Escape from Niflheim”, drawing inspiration from Norse Mythology and as a follow-up to my first album, “Farewell to Midgard”. Should I write a third album, I plan to name it “Rise to Asgard”.

Along this year-long journey, I collaborated with my guitar instructor, Arthur Struck, whose guidance and support were invaluable. Below are the details of each song. Thank you for listening!

1) Invisible Teen

Credits: This 3:03 minute song features eight tracks, including drums, bass, acoustic rhythm guitar, keyboards, distortion rhythm guitar, acoustic solo guitar, and two distortion solo guitars. All tracks were exported as audio files from GuitarPro. The song was composed by Cem in December 2022 and January 2023. It was mixed, mastered, and released in December 2023 alongside the rest of the album.

Background: This song captures the essence of my youth before college, characterized by a mystical oriental sound. It starts off soft and gentle, mirroring the initial stages of youth, and gradually becomes more energetic and louder, akin to the growing vigor of a teenager. Growing up as an ordinary kid in a city in Turkey, I felt invisible to the outside world, seemingly with little to offer. Yet, perhaps there was a hidden spark in me waiting to be ignited.

Inspiration: I was inspired by the song “I will Remember” by George Lynch.

2) Daring Dissident

Credits: This 3:07 minute song features five tracks, including drums, bass, distortion rhythm guitar, and two distortion solo guitars. All tracks were exported as audio files from GuitarPro. The song was composed by Cem in January 2023 and February 2023. It was mixed, mastered, and released in December 2023 alongside the rest of the album.

Background: This song reflects on my college years. During my sophomore year, I came to the realization that I couldn't envision a future for myself in Turkey, my home country. Feeling like an outsider and a dissenter, I resolved to forge a new path in the United States. It was a bold and daring venture. I devoted the remainder of my college years to pursuing this dream. This was before the era of the Internet, and against all odds, I managed to make it happen.

Inspiration: I was inspired by the song “Awake and Alive” by Skillet.

3) Tenacious Alien

Credits: This 3:16 minute song features eight tracks, including drums, bass, muted rhythm guitar, distortion rhythm guitar, two blues solo guitars, and distortion solo guitar. All tracks were exported as audio files from GuitarPro. The song was composed by Cem in February 2023. It was mixed, mastered, and released in December 2023 alongside the rest of the album.

Background: This song narrates my initial years in the United States, a time filled with boundless ambition yet scant resources. After completing graduate school, I faced the daunting challenge of securing employment without citizenship. The clock was ticking; I had just one year to demonstrate my worth. I seized every opportunity and battled fiercely to establish my place. Fortunately, someone took a chance on me, opening a new chapter in my life.

Inspiration: I was inspired by the song “Parallel Universe” by Red Hot Chili Peppers.

4) Roaming Heart

Credits: This 3:02 minute song features seven tracks, including drums, bass, three distortion rhythm guitars, and two blues solo guitars. All tracks were exported as audio files from GuitarPro. The song was composed by Cem in March 2023 and April 2023. It was mixed, mastered, and released in December 2023 alongside the rest of the album.

Background: This song recounts my early career years before becoming a parent. It was a time when I was living the American dream, diligently working, and creating a life with my wife. Uncompromising in my approach, I was driven at work. This dedication was rewarded with increased responsibilities and higher pay. My job took me on journeys across the globe, where I worked on projects beyond my wildest dreams. For me, the sky was the limit.

Inspiration: I was inspired by the song “It’s My Life” by Bon Jovi.

5) Absent Guardian

Credits: This 3:16 minute song features eight tracks, including drums, bass, three blues rhythm guitars, two blues solo guitars, and distortion solo guitar. All tracks were exported as audio files from GuitarPro. The song was composed by Cem in April 2023 and May 2023. It was mixed, mastered, and released in December 2023 alongside the rest of the album.

Background: This song delves into my initial years of fatherhood. I am a father to two children whom I love deeply. However, as the main provider for my family, my job required frequent travel, which significantly reduced the time I could spend with my kids. Despite this, I endeavored to maximize the moments I had with my children, treasuring each one. My foremost objective was to ensure a secure future for them, a commitment that came at the cost of my presence.

Inspiration: I was inspired by the song “Pride” by U2.

6) Devoted Protege

Credits: This 3:03 minute song features eight tracks, including drums, bass, two distortion rhythm guitars, two keyboards, and two distortion solo guitars. All tracks were exported as audio files from GuitarPro. The song was composed by Cem in August 2023 and September 2023. It was mixed, mastered, and released in December 2023 alongside the rest of the album.

Background: This song captures the later stage of my career when I ascended to an executive role, embracing increasingly significant responsibilities each year. It was a period marked by intense stress. I found myself integral to a larger corporate mechanism, where performing my role effectively was crucial for its overall success. My colleagues depended on me, and I exerted myself to fulfill my obligations. The demands of the job were overwhelming, gradually consuming me.

Inspiration: I was inspired by the song “Chalk Outline” by Three Days Grace.

7) Fading Breath

Credits: This 3:06 minute song features eight tracks, including piano, cello, four violins, 12-string steel solo guitar, and distortion solo guitar. All tracks were exported as audio files from GuitarPro. The song was composed by Cem in October 2023 and November 2023. It was mixed, mastered, and released in December 2023 alongside the rest of the album.

Background: This song is about the most difficult period in my life when I was suddenly confronted with a great challenge. I became a mere shadow of who I once was, teetering on a precarious edge. However, destiny often has its own trajectory. Fortunately, I managed to pull back from the abyss. I was granted a second chance. This experience fundamentally altered my view of the world, transforming me into a changed man.

Inspiration: I was inspired by the song “Pieces” by Rob Thomas.

8) Awakened Soul

Credits: This 3:05 minute song features eight tracks, including drums, bass, distortion rhythm guitar, two keyboards, distortion horn, and two distortion solo guitars. All tracks were exported as audio files from GuitarPro. The song was composed by Cem in November 2023 and December 2023. It was mixed, mastered, and released in December 2023 alongside the rest of the album.

Background: This song captures the essence of my life following retirement. Embracing a refreshed outlook, I devoted myself to artistic pursuits, delving into oil painting and composing music, among various other endeavors. I cherished every moment of life with gratitude. My focus was on self-improvement, striving to become the best version of myself. I aimed to be an inspiration to my children and others. My journey is still unfolding.

Inspiration: I was inspired by the song “Learn to Fly” by Pink Floyd.


Here are some whiteboard images showing how I planned the song structures, along with a few examples.

Invisible Teen - Jan 10th, 2023

Invisible Teen - January 10th, 2023

Daring Dissident - February 5th, 2023

Tenacious Alien - February 21st, 2023